I am a Peace Corps Volunteer living and working as a Business Advisor in Campamento, Honduras.
This blog chronicles my life and times over the next 27 months.

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Hippie Days

No Peace Corps blog is complete without at least one reference to the Hippie lifestyle commonly associated with Volunteers.  I've found myself playing a ton of hacky sack during our 10 minute breaks in training and I've got to admit that it's a lot of fun.  Should come in handy with all of the soccer I plan on playing.

I have also broken down and given yoga a go.  I'd always been reticent to try it because I am the least flexible human alive and I disdain having to stretch before playing sports.  But, knowing that a solitary life is looming, I am always looking for ways to keep healthy and busy once in my final site.  The wife of our Assistant Country Director led a couple classes for us and I found it to be physically challenging, but all around enjoyable.  I picked up a yoga mat and a few of her DVDs to add to the P90X that someone let me burn.  Now, if anyone knows where I can find some discipline and dedication to fitness, please leave a comment...

In the center in blue, wondering what I'd gotten myself into...

This body's not made for yoga, even this move hurt!

When the hacky sack starts getting out of control, we'd always
try to pass it to steady Roman (right) to get us back on track.

1 comment:

  1. I got on p90x myself, that shit is legit, do it, especially the yoga and plyo and you will be getting catcalls like you wont believe son!
